Our trivia consists of 3 rounds of 10 questions each round, where all the players will participate at the same time. There is 10 seconds to answer each question and in every round the worst 50% of the players will get eliminated.
If you go through the next round, you will play the next round just after. The next round will start automatically. Don't leave the app. There is maximum of 3 rounds.
The answers are multiple choice. You can change the answer as many times as you want before the time runs out.
Download Laurel Gaming App
Go to the "tournaments" section and pay the buy-in of the specific tournament. If the tournament is free just select JOIN.
Important information & rules:
After joining the tournament you will receive and email and reminder notifications of the tournament.
The tournament starts at a stablish date and time.
Laurel Gaming is not responsable for issues with user's connection, nor hardware or software issues with users smartphone or tablet. ANY DOUBT DON'T HESITATE TO CONTACT US VIA INSTAGRAM or admin@laurelgaming.com @laurelgamingapp
Our rock paper scissors game is played the same way as the original game but instead of a "rock" a "paper" and a "scissor" we have "fire" ,"water" and plant".
If you go through the next round, you will play the next round just after. The next round will start automatically. Don't leave the app. There is maximum of 3 rounds.
The game is played best of 3 rounds. The player has 4 seconds to select a choice every time. If both players draw the round doesn't finish until one player beats the other.
Download Laurel Gaming App
Go to the "tournaments" section and pay the buy-in of the specific tournament. If the tournament is free just select JOIN.
Important information & rules:
After joining the tournament you will receive and email and reminder notifications of the tournament.
The tournament starts at a stablish date and time.
Laurel Gaming is not responsable for issues with user's connection, nor hardware or software issues with users smartphone or tablet. ANY DOUBT DON'T HESITATE TO CONTACT US VIA INSTAGRAM or admin@laurelgaming.com @laurelgamingapp
Una vez pagada la inscripción en esta web, se os anunciará, por el canal de Telegram de Multiapuestas de todos los horarios y emparejamientos.
En la hora que os toque jugar, os avisaremos, os invitaremos a vosotros y vuestro rival y jugaréis la partida en la app.
La partida consta de 10 preguntas de fútbol con 10 segundos para responder cada pregunta. En caso de empate gana el que haya respondido mas rápido. Excepto la primera ronda ( que es al mejor de 3 partidas) el resto será a una sola partida.
Si habéis ganado, volveréis a jugar la siguiente ronda al cabo de un rato (os iremos avisando). En el mejor de los casos solo tendréis que jugar 5 partidas (5 minutos de reloj) y en el peor de los casos 1 partida (1 minuto).
Tener la app de Laurel Gaming descargada.
Pagar la inscripción.
El periodo de practica se termina al inicio del torneo. Una vez iniciado el torneo no se podrá jugar mas. El participante que lo haga quedará eliminado.
Esta prohibido cualquier acción que pueda suponer trampas.
Cuando exista certeza de un error en una pregunta en el torneo, y exista una diferencia mínima entre ambos concursantes, el usuario puede pedir un VAR, y en caso de ser aceptado, se repitiria la partida.